Guided Tour in Bari discovering the Old City
2 hours
Bari Walking Tour: Exploring the Beauty of Bari Vecchia
Discovering Bari Vecchia
Embark on an engaging Bari Walking Tour to explore the captivating *San Nicola District*. This medieval neighborhood, situated on a picturesque peninsula, is home to 29 churches, some of which are deconsecrated. During your stroll through the enchanting streets of *Bari Vecchia*, you’ll uncover hidden corners and centuries-old stories that reveal the city’s true spirit, away from typical tourist paths.
Experience Bari’s Culture and History
Furthermore, this walking tour provides an opportunity to dive into the rich culture and vibrant atmosphere of Bari’s historic center. Let the charm of its cobblestone alleys and historic landmarks transport you back in time.
From Piazza Ferrarese to the Basilica of San Nicola
The tour begins at *Piazza Ferrarese*, once a lively fish market, and continues to *Piazza Mercantile*, a hub of Bari’s "dolce vita." Here, you’ll step into the Nicolaian district, where the magnificent Basilica of San Nicola stands. This iconic site serves as a symbol of unity, attracting pilgrims from around the world. The basilica’s role in history grew significantly after the fall of communist regimes, cementing its reputation as a beacon of faith and culture.
Unveiling Bari’s Historical Treasures
Transitioning from religious landmarks to historical marvels, you’ll visit the *Cattedrale di San Sabino*. Admire its intricate architecture before heading to the *Norman-Swabian Castle*. This medieval fortress not only showcases Bari’s rich history but also offers a unique perspective on the city’s past.
Adding to the experience is a stop at *Marnarid*, a historic shop preserving Bari’s culinary traditions since 1866. Here, you’ll savor the essence of bygone eras through its aromas, flavors, and timeless atmosphere.
Strada delle Orecchiette: A Cultural Icon
As the tour continues, you’ll arrive at *Arco Basso Street*, famously known as the Strada delle Orecchiette. Witness the skilled hands of local women crafting fresh orecchiette pasta—a cherished tradition passed down through generations. This street’s cultural significance is so profound that it has been featured in advertising campaigns for global brands like Dolce & Gabbana and Adidas.
A Sweet Finale
Conclude your Bari Walking Tour with a delightful culinary experience. Relish the famous *focaccia barese* or treat yourself to artisanal gelato at one of Bari’s historic bakeries. This delicious finale will leave you with cherished memories of a city brimming with history, flavor, and charm.
- Comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing is recommended
- An umbrella or a K-Way is recommended in case of rain
- Bring water to stay hydrated
Available languages
- Set out on the walking tour and discover the medieval charm of the San Nicola District, home to secret corners and ancient stories
- Experience a symbol of openness and tolerance, where pilgrims from various Christian denominations gather in this iconic basilica
- Watch local women craft homemade orecchiette pasta and immerse yourself in the rich culinary tradition of Bari
- End your tour with a delicious tasting of focaccia barese or artisanal gelato, a perfect way to savor the essence of Bari
- Certified Tour Guide: You will be accompanied by a professional and certified guide who will lead you through the enchanting Bari Vecchia, providing you with historical and cultural information.
- Carefully planned itinerary:Â A route designed to help you discover the city's most fascinating spots quickly and efficiently.
- Chance to observe traditional pasta-making: Experience the charm of Bari’s traditions by watching skilled artisans craft fresh pasta
- Delicious surprise at the end of the tour: Taste the traditional local focaccia or enjoy an ice cream at the end of the walk.
Not included
- Anything not mentioned in 'the fee includes': Any services, activities, or expenses not specified in the 'fee includes' list are not included in the tour package and will be at the participant's expense.
- Entry tickets to museums (Cathedral of San Sabino and the Castle)
- Transfer Service:Â Upon request, it is possible to book a transfer from the hotel to the tour's starting point at an additional cost.
- Gratuities: Tips for the certified tour guide or other service providers are not included in the tour price.
- Transfer non inclusi
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Meet your guide and fellow participants at our meeting point on Strada Vallisa 81, in the heart of Bari Vecchia.
Begin the tour by exploring the two main squares of Bari Vecchia. Admire the traditional architecture and immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of these historic places. You can also see fishermen selling freshly caught fish along the ancient harbor.
Head to the Basilica of San Nicola, one of the city's main places of worship. Admire the Romanesque and Baroque architecture and discover the story of San Nicola, the patron saint of Bari.
Continue the tour by visiting the Cathedral of San Sabino, another important religious building in Bari Vecchia. Admire its majestic columns and marvel at the frescoes and artworks inside.
The next pit stop of the tour is the Norman-Swabian Castle, an imposing fortress dating back to the 13th century. Admire the thick walls and defensive towers as you immerse yourself in the medieval history of Bari.
Explore the narrow streets of Bari Vecchia and stop along Via delle Orecchiette, where you can watch local women hand-making traditional orecchiette pasta, a typical dish of Puglia.
Taste the traditional focaccia barese or artisanal gelato at the end of your guided walk.
Useful information
• Cancellation or postponement due to adverse weather conditions:
- In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or storms, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the excursion to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
Safety is our top priority.
• Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellation requests should be sent by email to
- A full refund is only possible if the cancellation request is received at least 3 days before the scheduled departure date of the tour. Otherwise, the full cost of the tour will be charged.
• Cancellation within 3 days of departure:
- If the cancellation is made within 3 days of the tour departure date, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as cancellation fee. This policy is applied to guarantee the reservation of services and to cover any costs already incurred.
For further information or additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact the following phone numbers. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the Bari tour.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any requests or necessary clarifications, ensuring that your tour is organized impeccably and without any issues.
*ATTENTION: The itinerary outlined in the program may be subject to changes due to operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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