Beaches of Basilicata 2024: 5 Blue Flags Awarded

The year 2024 marks a time of great pride for Basilicata, with its enchanting coasts awarded the coveted Blue Flag recognition. This prestigious award attests to the purity and excellence of the waters, making Basilicata’s beaches irresistible destinations for tourists from all over the world. Let’s discover together these hidden gems that make Basilicata a dream destination.

Maratea: the secret jewel of Basilicata’s beaches

In the picturesque province of Potenza, Maratea shines with three spectacular Blue Flag beaches in Basilicata: Santa Teresa/Calaficarra, Macarro/Illicini/Nera and Castrocucco/Secca di Castrocucco, Acquafredda. These coastal paradises, nestled between breathtaking cliffs and enchanting bays, offer an ideal retreat for those seeking relaxation and natural beauty. Every corner of Maratea is an invitation to immerse yourself in unspoilt nature and let yourself be lulled by the sound of the waves. As a result, Maratea has become a popular destination for tourists.

The wonders of Basilicata’s beaches on the Matera coast

Moving on to the province of Matera, we find other Basilicata pearls awarded Blue Flags. Lido di Metaponto, in the municipality of Bernalda, and Marina di Pisticci, in the municipality of Pisticci, are perfect destinations for those who want a quiet getaway immersed in natural beauty. Completing this idyllic picture are the north and south Policoro Lido and the Nova Siri Lido. Moreover, these locations offer a variety of options for enjoying crystal-clear waters and picture-postcard landscapes. Therefore, the Matera coast is ideal for a relaxing holiday.

Basilicata awaits you: an unforgettable experience on the beaches of Basilicata

The 2024 Blue Flags not only celebrate the quality of Basilicata’s beaches, but also invite travellers to discover the region’s incredible charm. With Martulli Viaggi, you can enjoy authentic and unforgettable experiences, exploring the rich culture and beautiful nature of a land that knows how to enchant and amaze. Prepare to be won over by the beaches of Basilicata, a corner of Italy that promises unforgettable adventures and precious memories. In conclusion, the beaches of Basilicata are a perfect choice for those seeking natural beauty and tranquillity.

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